Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do Aliens exist?

I've always been fascinated with unusual or weird things; whether it be creatures, human lifestyles or behavior or even events. Ever since a kid I enjoyed watching anything about supernatural stuff. But the topic that has been foremost on my mind is whether alien lifeforms really exist or not.
I always liked to imagine how it will be if I lived in an entirely different world -very unlike this one. Only few galaxies are known to man and therefore only a few planets. If God made other beings apart from us such as angels couldn't these beings exist? WHO REALLY KNOWS WHAT IS OUT THERE? I remember watching many documentaries in which persons actually claimed to have seen such beings. For example there was a documentary about 62 school children in Zimbabwe that said that they saw alien beings. It began with the viewing of a meteor by thousands of Africans after-which these children spoke about the encounters they had with these strange beings.

Many persons say well this is just a hoax or they may find it stupid while others stand firm on their beliefs that yes! they do exist and there are many eyewitnesses of the phenomenon of UFOs. Persons have even said that they have been abducted by aliens ...yet some professionals try to explain this as a mere sleep disorder.
It seems pretty puzzling to me ..don't you think? I mean why would people just go around lying about these little oval headed green creatures with large shiny black eyes? What's your view? Is there even the slightest possibility that they exist or are we trying to bring something to life that we ourselves have created in our minds?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Copyright and Plagiarism

This research seeks to define the terms ‘copyright’, ‘intellectual property’ and ‘plagiarism’. It is also aimed at finding out whether or not persons are allowed to use images from websites and paste into their work , the consequences of a student that plagiarizes and how plagiarism can be avoided .

Intellectual Property refers to the creations of the mind that are manifested in a tangible form and are protected by law. Intellectual property is divided into two categories: Industrial Property and Copyright. Industrial property refers to inventions or patents and trademarks. Copyright refers to the literary or artistic works such as paintings and novels. It is the legal right given to persons that originally produce their creative work by through hard labour and use of skills and talents that they possess. It is implemented so that their work, ideas and information are protected and cannot be used by others without consent of the author.

Using images from websites and pasting into your own work should not be done unless permission is received from the author of the work. This is copyright infringement and one can be legally punished for this as such creative work of others is protected by the copyright law.

Plagiarism is the act of stealing someone’s creative work or idea and using it as your own. This can take the form of using one’s writings without the use of quotation marks, direct use of a sentence or phrase or rewording another’s words in a similar pattern, taking work done by someone else and presenting it as your own and also receiving help from another person and claiming it to be entirely your own. Plagiarism can be avoided by the proper use of quotation marks when borrowing words or phrases or stating the name of the author, ensure that paraphrased material is written in your own style, ensure that work submitted is entirely yours and provide references of work borrowed.

The consequences of a student that plagiarizes include not receiving any marks for work submitted, suspension, expellsion or punishment by revoking of their diplomas or by preventing them from graduating. Students should also be warned and taught about the negative effects that plagiarism can have on learning.

We have to be very careful about what information we use from the internet and how we use it. If we want to use other people’s creative ideas or work then we should ask their permission or avoid using the exact piece of work. Unauthorized use of the work of another is theft and can have serious consequences according to the copyright law.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Purchasing a Computer Spreadsheet

Purchasing a Computer-Introduction and Conclusion


A computer is a electronic device that accepts and processes data which can be outputted as information or stored for later use. A computer is comprised of different devices. These include the memory, storage devices, input devices, processing devices and output devices. This assignment seeks to find out the devices that comprise a computer, the costs and how to make an efficient machine.


Each portion of the computer has a specific function to play in the optimal performance of the machine. This exercise showed that it is more affordable and smarter to purchase each part of the computer and to build it rather than to buy a computer that is already built. It allows the user to make his or her own decisions in what comprises the pc and to receive a machine that is specified to fulfill their needs efficiently. The total cost of the pc came up to $52767. It had a 250GB hard drive, speed of 3.2GHz 800MHz , dvd drive, NIC, modem, video card and was equipped with Windows Vista Home Premium as its operating system.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Excel Tutorial Notes

Excel Tutorial Notes
Shoshannah Thorpe
CPTR112 Section A


Video 1- Microsoft Excel Tutorial For Beginners #1 Overview

• Exel is used to calculate and tabulate numeric data eg. Sales figures

• It consists of rows and columns and these are made up of cells which each have a specific name

• To automatically calculate the sum of or the total of a column or row of numeric data, the “sum” button is used. This function can be dragged and automatically inserted into a column or row of cells.

• To merge and centre a title simply click “merge and centre”

• To make numeric data neat they can be centred using the centre button.

• A chart of any choice can be easily inserted by highlighting selected data and selecting the chart wizard.

• Any information changed in the cells will automatically be changed in the chart.

Video 2-Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #2 - Get Started

• Editing can be done by using del esc or F5 keys

• To adjust column widths, the mouse pointer can be used to drag left or right to resize the cell

• Tab is used to go to the next cell

Video 3-Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #3 - Calculations

• Excel uses mathematical operators such as division, multiplication, addition and subtraction. Each operation has a specific key eg. +,-,/,*

• By selecting cells with numeric values and entering the correct function using the specific cell names, calculations can be carried out. Eg (=B4*C4)

• The fill function is used to fill the same function in a number of cells by clicking on the bottom right of the cell with the function and dragging or double clicking

• As in Microsoft word, text can be right or left aligned, italized or bolded.

• To calculate the total the function is =SUM (click and drag range of numbers needed) and press enter

• The autosum button can also make an intelligent guess as to what cells need to be added and automatically selects a range and inserts a function into the cell

Video 4-Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #4 - Functions

• To calculate the average, the function is = AVERAGE(select range of cells to be averaged) enter

• The paste function has a list of functions that can be used in excel. It opens a dialog box which aids in calculations

• To calculate the max of a range of numbers, the function is =MAX (select range of cells) enter, and the highest value will be displayed.

• To calculate the min of a range of numbers, the function is =MIN (select the range of cells)enter, and the lowest value will be displayed

• The count function = COUNT (select range of numbers) enter, and the number of items will be displayed

Video 5-Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #5 - Number Formats

• Numbers can be formatted by clicking the currency button if the value is monetary.

• Formats can be applied by clicking a formatted cell and clicking the format paste button on the cell that should be formatted.

• Comma formatting can also be done by clicking the comma icon on the toolbar

• Percentages can also be applied by clicking the percentage icon

• In excel the number 1 =100% therefore decimals should be inserted to avoid incorrect values.

Video 6-Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #6 - Formatting Pt.1

• Wrapping text can be used to accommodate them in cells

• Background cell colours can be applied by using the icon fill

Video 7-Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #7 - Formatting Pt.2

• Text colours can also be changed using the palette

• Gridlines can be seen when printed or not

• The print preview allows the page to be seen as it would be printed

• Conditional formatting can be used to differentiate between cells that would have a high or low value.

Video 8-Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #8 - Formatting Pt.3

• Conditional formatting can also be done manually by combining functions eg. Max or min. This is done using the conditional formatting dialog box.

• Conditions can also be easily deleted without altering the information

Video 9-Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #9 - Charts Pt.1

• To create a chart, select the information needed by selecting cells, go to chart wizard, select a type of chart, preview chart and press finish

• Size of chart can be altered by dragging the ends of the chart

• A picture can be inserted into the columns or segments of the pie chart

Video 10-Microsoft Excel Tutorial for Beginners #10 - Charts Pt.2

• Charts can be easily updated when information in selected cells is changed

• It can be placed on the spreadsheet or on another sheet in the same workbook.

Excel Exercise 11

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Network Diagram(Tbase10 for classroom) and Key

Networking Spreadsheet

Network-Introduction and Conclusion


A network is a group of computers connected to each other for the purpose of communication. A star network is one in which all components in the network are connected to a hub or a switch which allows the transmission of messages. A 10 baseT network allows the connection of twelve or more computers directly to a switch or hub via the use of twisted pair cables and RJ 45 connectors.It allows transmission of data at 10 Mbps. This assignment seeks to design a computer network that allows communication among all the computers in a typical classroom.The components of this network include the NIC, Rj45 connectors, Cat6 cables, PVC cable trunking, wireless router, optical cable, switch and an internet router. It also seeks to find out the cost of all the components of this network.


In order to design a star network, all components of the network should be connected directly to the switch. In designing the network, a 48 port 3 com switch was used. All workstations were connected using Cat 6 cables with RJ45 ends that were connected to each NIC of each workstation. PVC cable trunking was used to hold all wires. A wireless router and an internet router were also connected to the switch to allow wireless and internet connection within the network. The total cost of the network was found to be approximately $998.95. The internet router accounted for almost half the price of the total network . The importance, relative costs of components and how to properly design a star network was learnt from this exercise.